charlie and jack do halloween.
happy halloween (a little late) love, your friendly neighborhood Captain America and a Mickey Mouse.
View Articlea trip to the Christmas tree farm.
Every year, we venture out to the Merry Christmas Tree Farm with our friends to find and cut down our Christmas tree. This year, the weather was cold and little Jack was a grumpster. But, we still had...
View Articlechanges.
This is me, currently 18 weeks pregnant! We are so very grateful for a healthy little one on the way coming this October! I can’t even believe we are about to be a family of 5. It’s been a rough...
View Articlelet’s go fly a kite.
We celebrated our friend Cora’s 6th birthday with a picnic at the kite flying fields at Shelby Farms recently. I love the way that this beautiful evening translated onto film! What can I say, I love...
View Articleit’s a girl!
I still can’t really believe it. Something that has been a desire of my heart since I was a little girl. Something that I have persistently, passionately prayed for. Something that I have falsely...
View Articlenursery plans.
I am so excited to be able to do a girly nursery this go-around! I love design, interiors, DIY projects, and PINK, so this is a dream come true for sure. These are just a few elements/inspiration...
View Articleart.
I’m trying to capture more of our everyday life now. Even if the lighting is uneven, or I don’t have any film, or the kids are looking scraggly. I’m just going to get over myself and shoot in full sun...
View Articleemmylou.
I have a daughter. I still can’t believe I can say that! We were so blessed to have a safe delivery and healthy baby. (I guess “healthy” is the polite way to describe the little chunkster… she weighed...
View Articlewe bought a house (part I).
In the past 10 months, the Peaks have had a 3rd child. Sold a house. Been unable to find a new house. Moved in with another family for 3 months. Found a new house. Bought new house. Renovated new...
View Articleemmylou’s fox first birthday.
this past october, we celebrated my baby girl’s first birthday. she loves foxes so we had a little autumnal fox-themed fete. here are some photos from Emmylou’s Fox First Birthday. so hard to believe...
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